A review by trisha_thomas
The Wisdom of Sally Red Shoes by Ruth Hogan


"grief is not a linear thing. It re-boots unexpectedly at a certain smell or sight or sound, and some days I still feel as though my world is like a patchwork quilt that coming unstitched."

This was a very sad, quiet novel that is very well written. It has a lot of moments about grief that were so well explained, I was almost crying. Masha is a wonderful character - both witty and funny but also sad and wounded. Her journey to try to come out of her blanket of grief was very moving.

Alice is another POV that pops up through-out the story and a POV I didn't like as much. She was more preachy and god-fearing. I found her storyline a distraction from Sally Red Shoes and Masha and the journey of the dogs and the friends and the swimming. I was disappointed, in the end, when it was all wrapped up so neatly. I didn't mind the frayed ends and the messiness that is....life. I wish I'd liked it more.