A review by dmturner
Younger Next Year for Women: Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy-Until You're 80 and Beyond by Chris Crowley, Henry S. Lodge, Gail Sheehy


I managed to get through this excellent book despite Chris Crowley's cheery, jocular, sometimes grating style because it is (a) full of useful information about staving off the optional deterioration of aging and (b) inspirational. Henry Lodge's medical chapters are very thorough though in some spots already outmoded, and Crowley's advice assumes a rather large disposable income (skiing, long-distance cycling on expensive bicycles, and master's athlete camps are not for those on a limited budget). I admit that as a master's athlete myself, I have spent an inordinate amount of my own salary on training, tournaments, and travel, but I know better than to expect everyone else to do it. I recommend the book if you have a high tolerance for peppy lecturing.

But seriously, "Old Fred?" Yeugh.