A review by despinareviews
Tomorrow, Make Me Yours by Kaoruko Miyama


3.5 stars rounded up to 4

A yaoi (boy's love) manga story about a shy boy and his popular classmate. When he is spoken to by the popular and confident Hayato, introverted Yuki is surprised and hopes to maintain this friendship. It soon turns into more and he feels like he has to back away before destroying their friendship with his emotions.

This is an 18+ manga so please only read accordingly (!)

This is a sweet little love story, full of small misunderstandings (which I normally don't like as a trope but I think worked quite well in this story) and strong mutual feelings which I really enjoy. It is short and a quick read. I will warn that in some parts one of the characters is a bit possessive/jealous, which wasn't my favourite trope, but that got resolved fairly quickly. If you're not a fan of insta-love or 'relationship moves really quickly' this may not be your favourite, but overall it was decent. The plot was nothing fully original but the art was pretty good and the characters did seem to care about each other.

Also a good point - never once was the fact they were both guys mentioned as a plot point - their relationship was as natural as any other, and I think that also left me with a good impression.

I received an complimentary ARC of this from 'TOKYOPOP, LOVE x LOVE' via NetGalley in exchange for an voluntary honest review.