A review by jeanm333
Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch

I got this book from the library to see if it is worth buying (probably will buy used). It's over 1000 pages, maps and illustrations. I read the Introduction and was intrigued. MacCulloch has some interesting ideas and novel thoughts that, if he continues to interest me, I might actually read most of this. For example, he makes the assertion that Christianity moved westward instead of eastward because of the rise of Islam in the East.

In case you wondered about MacCulloch, he says his background is a "three generation family business" of country parishes, and he is currently a "candid friend of Christianity." Since he is Professor of the History of the Church at Oxford University, I'm guessing the book is a compilation of all his lecture notes. There is a BBC series based on the book; I'm getting it through Netflix.