A review by bookofcinz
The Bone Readers by Jacob Ross


A Crime series set in the Caribbean…. GIVE ME MORE!

The Bone Readers is the first of a four-part crime series set on a small Caribbean of Camaho, with the main detective being Michael “Digger” Digson. Digger was on the streets when he witnessed a crime, he was then brought in for questioning and requited by DS Chilman whose mission is to create a new and fresh police squad verse at thinking critically and solving crimes.

Digger begrudgingly takes up a role in the squad with his ulterior motive being, solving the disappearance and murder of his mother. Digger and other members of his team are sent get trained in ballistics and he is sent to London to train in forensics. DS Chilman’s only case for the squad is to find a young man called Nathan who disappeared years ago. Not everyone is keen to taking up this cold case because on an island where praedial larceny runs rampant and everyone is a “bad man” members of the squad of have their hands full.

The Squad evolves with the retirement of DS Chilman and Miss K. Stanislaus joins the team. She is set on finding out more about Nathan and what happened to him- but they get side tracked when a famous pastor on the island is killed until mysterious circumstances… everyone on the squad must now work to clear their names.

Honestly, I enjoyed this book. This was the first time I am reading a crime fiction written by a Caribbean author, set in the Caribbean. I LOVE to see it! I also loved how “realistic” and “unrealistic” at the times the circumstances where- I mean- where do you hear of a Police man just walking off the streets and getting a scholarship to go learn forensics… madness. I also loved the entire island feel of this book-from debriefing happening in a rum shop to roti being a peace offering to everyone knowing each other and knowing who the criminals are.... very island vibe.

Overall I felt the plot did waiver a bit, and didn’t go as deep as I would hope but this is the first in a series so I am looking forward to see what Digger gets up to next.