A review by imme_van_gorp
The Happy List by Briar Prescott


This book really thrives on its cuteness and light-hearted vibe. It has some humour sprinkled in there as well, which is always something I appreciate.
However, there is also a more serious tone with one of the main characters going through a mid-life crisis at 28. This was handled fairly well and actually served as a great secondary plot to the romance.

Both Kai and Gray are likeable characters, and their initial friendship already seemed incredibly strong. They were truly there for each other, especially Gray for Kai.
Their transition into being more than friends was incredibly slow-burn, which I loved. Subsequently, it was a bit disappointing that once they got together, it felt like it all went quite fast with many skips in time and without much detail. The story basically went from very in-depth to slightly superficial. This could have definitely been done better and thus, I liked the beginning and middle of the novel a lot more than the end. 

I'm a bit unsure of my exact stance on this novel as it was entirely enjoyable, but I'm not sure if the emotional side of it was intense and developed enough for my liking. 
The overall storyline was exactly my cup of tea and there's not much I can pin-point I didn't like about it, yet something about the execution made me not be as in love with this novel as I could have been. 

So yea, this is definitely a read I would recommend because of its high entertainment factor, but not something that'll go down as one of my favourites or anything. It was good, not amazing.