A review by kgarciabug
Surrender by Sonya Hartnett


Surrender is a story told like no other. Sonya Hartnett does a beautiful job weaving her words and making her story lyrical. This is the second book I've read by her and her style is really something to praise. I give it the highest remarks.
The story starts out with Anwell (later his name is changed to Gabriel) on his deathbed remembering his life and his friendship with the boy Finnigan. Anwell lives life on a leash. His parents are cold, abusive and uncaring. They tell him that everything he does brings shame to his family.
Then, Anwell meets Finnigan. Finnigan is as wild and unkept as Anwell is tame. They befriend each other and make a lifelong pact. Finnigan promises to be the bad and Anwell promises to be the good, in other words the angel Gabriel.
From there the plot line gets more complicated until the reader reaches the point that they question what is real and what isn't. I don't want to give any spoilers in this review though. This book definitely qualifies as one of my favorites and puts Sonya Hartnett as one of my favorite authors.