A review by ellyherrmann
Drowned by Nichola Reilly



One word: stressful.
I have not felt so stressed and scared while reading a book in a little while. The tensions between the characters, the water situation, the Scribblers, the other monsters, all stressful! Coe was definitely not having a fun time and I, as the reader, felt like I was right there with her the whole time in the book.

The character development was interesting. Coe was an interesting character, maybe a little naive, but I liked how she wasn’t just content and okay with everything the way it was. She wanted to change things, even though she probably knew that she, of all people, probably wouldn’t be able to.

I loved Tiam. While definitely the kind of generic YA love interest, his loyalty and determination, though it bloody annoyed me at times, was an interesting aspect of his character and the plot line. But his loyalty to a certain character *cough Star cough* definitely did really annoy me.

I don’t think I even want to mention Star. Her whole character annoyed me the most about the book. There was no development or learning curve for her. Her perspective and view point at the end of the book did not change at all- she remained the same selfish, greedy, intolerable, childish and whinging character. While yes, she was grieving, she was in shock, she was upset, I felt like there was just no development for her character at all. And her constant obsessive mentioning of royalty and being a royal and blah blah blah- don’t even get me started.

So all in all, I did enjoy the book. It kept me entertained, it was intense, kept me captivated and hooked and I needed to know what was going to happen. I needed to know if Coe and Tiam would survive. Would have their happily ever after. I read the last few chapters so quickly, so I’m giving 3.5 stars for this enjoyable and captivating book that had be intrigued and hooked right from the description on the back of the book.

... But I don’t know if I can forgive Nichola Reilly for that ending 😭