A review by endlessreader
Drum Roll, Please by Lisa Jenn Bigelow


I thought Drum Roll, Please was a really cute read. Melly was a solid main character, the friendship angst worked, and the romance was cute. I also absolutely loved Donna and how strict yet heart-of-gold she was. However, I do this thing where I compare every MG f/f book I read to [b:Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World|35604722|Ivy Aberdeen's Letter to the World|Ashley Herring Blake|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1502132156l/35604722._SX50_.jpg|56037785] and they just never measure up. I know I shouldn't do this because the more MG LGBTQ+ books there are the better. But I just wanted more from Drum Roll, Please. Maybe slightly more characterization. Slightly more familial and friendship angst. If the rockstar camp was maybe 1 month, then this book would've been slightly longer and then we could've gotten more in it. But as it stands now, I feel like it's sort of forgettable.