A review by grayjay
The Thing on the Doorstep and Other Weird Stories by H.P. Lovecraft


This was a great collection. My favourites were the similarly-themed "Case of Charles Dexter Ward" and "The Thing on the Doorstep." The later, as well as having one of Lovecraft's only female characters, actually brought on the sense of dread that Lovecraft's stories were meant to, because, although I saw it coming, the actual story hadn't been spoiled for me before I read it. Another strong story was "Beyond the Wall of Sleep" which presages my favourite of his stories, "The Shadow Out of Time".

There were a number of other minor stories in the collection, some from his Dunsany style, and some other oddballs included, it seemed, out of historical interest, such as "Under the Pyramids" which he ghostwrote for Houdini.