A review by thebookishcourt
The Witchkin Murders by Diana Pharaoh Francis


One (incoherent) sentence: OOOH SHIT MAGICAL POWERS GIRL DANG

I'm wow-ed by the world author Diana Pharaoh Francis created in the Witchkin Murders. The world building is done really well, author Diana did a thorough job with it. If you're into books set in a magical version of our reality, you might want to read this!

Unfortunately, i have a dislike for the MC's love interest. The way he behaved didn't sit right with me and so, i couldn't feel much for the romance.
Also disliked the other characters..most characters. I've never read any book that has its adult characters act so much like brash teens.

I'm also disappointed by how the book was marketed as written from first POV, but turns out, it wasn't.
Overall, it's a pretty solid read with brilliant plot, loved the inclusion of other cultural folklores than the really common ones. It's a book with a promising premise...but that's it. Its cause of downfall is of its poorly written characters.

3 stars