A review by robinhood2000
Period Power: Harness Your Hormones and Get Your Cycle Working for You by Maisie Hill


I loved the first half or maybe even 3/4 of the book, but the last two chapters about food and general health grew boring. I don't agree at all that the book isn't scientific enough, if anything it was to much science, It felt like a textbook. I don't agree that the author is fatphobic, yes weight gain was discussed often but only when it could ease symptoms of conditions, I don't think weight was valued, only studied as a health thing. The author also said early in the book that not all who menstruate are women and went on to call us "menstruators" which I appreciated! "Woman" was still used, but then depending on that the studies quoted had used that word. The cycle tracking was very helpful and I will be going off the pill because of the discussion about contraceptive methods. I also loved that the author talked about different types of menstrual products and period poverty. Overall worth the read!