A review by sk24
Dark Awakening by Kendra Leigh Castle


Originally reviewed on my blog: SIK Book Reviews.

Okay, honestly, before I decided to read this book, I had already decided that it was just going to be another Twilight knock-off. However, I was pleasantly surprised by Castle's new take on the world of vampires. This novel is full of adventure, unique story lines, and passionate romance (intended for adults, I'm sure). I found the story grabbed me right from the beginning and barely let go throughout its entirety. The novel started off with a very surprising - and welcome - bang! I was not expecting it to start off like it did. The prologue was very intense and full of action. And the action comes back again throughout the book.

The characters were very well developed. Ty is a bruting male vampire who has issues from his past that prevent him from giving in to his feelings...even when it comes to true love. And Lily also has a history that causes her to keep her guard up when it comes to love and romance. Castle does a good job of taking the reader through the journey of these two characters while they grow throughout the novel.

I was very, very pleased with the writing of Castle. The writing was maturely done and there were nearly no mistakes! Yay! The style is written in a way that it easily grabs and envelops the reader into the story.

The creativity and uniqueness was refreshingly surprising, as Castle opens a whole new world than I have read before about vampires. Yes, she does use some old concepts, but she adds new unique twists into them. I thought the creativity/uniqueness factor of this novel was very well done. One element I found interesting and creative was how the biting of the vampires is often pleasurable for both parties while taking part in "funny stuff" (you know what I mean!).

Overall, I was very satisfied with the entirety of this novel and am looking forward to the next novel in this series. I would recommend this novel to anyone who enjoys a little romance, along with action-packed paranormal plots.