A review by talldrinkofdietcoke
Complete Me by J. Kenner


***ARC received in exchange for an honest review***

What a beautiful finish for Nikki and Damien.

After all their battles, Nikki and Damien face the biggest challenge of all time. Damien is being charged with the murder of his former tennis coach, in Germany. Nikki intends to stand by his side and support him through the trial but only Damien holds the key to getting off. Unfortunately his pride will not allow him to come forward. He'd would rather spend his life in jail, then let the world know of the abuse he suffered at his coach's hand.

As it turns out, someone else has evidence of the dirty deeds Damien suffered. Can he find the person with the evidence and contain it before it gets out, all while trying to stay out of jail? All the while, Nikki is being stalked and threatened.

I had some ideas about who the mystery person was with the photos but the twist and turns in this book kept me guessing. Plus, Damien and Nikki are just as HOT as ever. Their love life is completely smoking and leaves you needing a cold shower.

I'm both happy and sad to see an end to this series. Sad because I'll miss the uber sexy Damien Stark but happy because it means that I don't have to sit tied in knots for what their future holds.