A review by laurajaylive
The Anatomy of a Best Seller: 3 Steps to Deconstruct Winning Books and Teach Yourself Craft (Better Writers Series) by Sacha Black


This was my second time reading this book. The first time was as an ARC reader of the ebook version. I read through quick and knew I would need pen and paper to get the full effect of the content.

I ordered the paperback and started reading again. And let me tell you, "process" is different for everyone.

I've always hated analyzing. While in college I had to analyze and pick apart books, poems, etc. for research papers, and I loathed it. But something I discovered while reading this book, is that I hate putting analysis down on paper because I do internal analysis.

I pushed myself to take this book in and truly use the deconstruction process outlined, and the crazy thing is, I already naturally do the majority of things Sacha outlines! What?! I analyze books as I read them; I think about characters, word choice, etc. I just never thought about it as analysis or deconstruction before because I don't write things down.

Now, this book proves that I should be writing down my observations, because no one can remember all the nitty gritty details in a book, why you loved or hated it, and the word choice the author chose which made you swoon. I am going to try to take my internal analysis and put it on paper, to better my own craft and expand my potential. And if it doesn't work, I'll stick to internal analysis, because apparently I do that lol! Thank you for helping me realize that, Sacha! This was such an incredible read!