A review by myameegirl
Death by Espresso by Alex Erickson


3.5 ⭐️ Book 6 in the series finds Krissy trying to solve yet another murder. Vicki & Mason's wedding is coming up, which means the parents come to town. Krissy goes to the airport to meet her dad and his girlfriend Laura, Vicki's parents... and an entourage of unexpected people. One of these is the "wedding planner to the stars" who drinks coffee and pops espresso beans like it's her job. Quite a bit of tension in this one, which left me thinking... if that were me I would have a WHOLE lot to say about anyone interfering with my wedding or my life like that. In typical Krissy fashion, she finds the murder victim and promptly makes herself a prime suspect...lol. This girl has NO luck. She stumbles onto everything, which I find very humorous in these books, and then is praised as a great murder solver. lol Finally, we get to the bottom of why Will has been so distant and that's totally fine with me because I am Team Paul!! I really like having Krissy's dad making more appearances and hope that his girlfriend Laura catches the bouquet at Vicki's wedding AND adopts Misfit!! ;) Taking a break to read some Christmas books but will finish this series in the new year!