A review by liberrydude
Death in the East by Abir Mukherjee


For 2/3 of the book we have a dual track narrative of two alternating time lines, past and present. It’s quite annoying because the period for each is too short. Jerking back and forth was like whiplash.

The present has Sam Wyndham confronting his demon, opium, at a rural ashram in Assam in 1922. Rehab on the down low. On the way to the ashram he sees a man from his past.

The past set in 1905 has Wyndham as a young police officer in the East End of London. He makes some poor decisions in a murder case involving powerfully connected criminals that leads ultimately to the conviction of an innocent man. Yet another demon on Wyndham’s back.

So the two tracks unite into one in the final 1/3 of the book. Also Sam’s able assistant, Sergeant Bannerjee, joins him in Jatinga- site of the ashram and where birds commit suicide. A nice righteous resolution in Dirty Harry fashion.