A review by lenmed
The Markings by Catherine Downen


(disclaimer I got this free to review)

Final rating: 64/100 (good) give it a try, I enjoyed it.

Adaline, a force lifter, escapes from prison with the help of one of the guards, her childhood friend Alexander. Together they flee into the forest, attempting to reach Libertas—A place for people with gifts.

My favourite character was one of the side characters Zavy. I just liked her personality and thought she was one of the more distinct/well-written characters. The love interest didn't impress me that much (love interests usually don't for me, so take that with a grain of salt) but I liked all the other characters well enough, I wish we got to know them a little better before the end. Hopefully, we'll get to know everyone more in the next book. Although we did get to know them well enough that I teared up when ~~events occurred.~~

I also think the powers are cool and different from the usual earth, water, air, fire we usually get in fantasy.

My only real complaint with this book is that everything seems super convenient, but since they have people who can see the future controlling everything it does make sense in-universe.