A review by argyledinosaur
The Gender Game by Bella Forrest


This book is far from perfect, in fact, it leaves a lot to be desired. I would be lying if I said that the plot is what kept me reading, because it's not. I lost interest in the book, and didn't even touch it for a few weeks. But then Viggo happened. Viggo Croft is what got me through this book and he is the only thing that I care about in this book. Period. Also, Samuel, but of course I'm going to care about the dog, who wouldn't? I don't care about Patrus, I don't care about Matrus, I don't care about the sociopolitical commentary (not that it's very hard hitting, let's be honest) but I do care about Viggo. This book does get pretty good about a couple hundred pages in.

The ending of the book however, isn't just a cliffhanger. It's a cliffhanger that left me completely unsatisfied.

But overall, if you're in the market for another dystopian, and you don't want something that's super hard hitting and serious, you might enjoy this. If you're looking for something with some actual sociopolitical commentary, then skip this.

This is where things start to get REALLY SPOILERY, so don't read on if you're not interested.

As I said, the only character I care about is Viggo Croft because he is absolutely yummy and I can just picture Adrian Brody or Keanu Reeves as like, a basic model to picture Viggo. around the middle of the book, we learn that Lee wants to pin this whole thing on Viggo. So the book ends with Violet getting away, Lee dying, and nothing being mentioned about her going to find Viggo or Samuel (the dog) and I'm just kind of not having that. I'm not having that at all. I have no desire to read on in this series, unless I get more Viggo and specifically more growth in the relationship between Viggo and Violet. I'm literally going to look up spoilers just to find out if Viggo is dead or not, because I don't really have the spare money right now to buy the book (even the ebook version) if I'm not going to get what I want from it.