A review by emheld
Winter Tide by Ruthanna Emrys


First third was slow, but steady as it built this unique world out of one of HP Lovecraft's higher profile works. The characters have unique voices and the magic system feels...lived in.

But I'm frustrated to say the middleish portion is slow and padded, taking a long time to get to any real external threat or conflict. Once the threat solidified, Emrys' writing sped up and you really start at feel the stakes.

So it ends on a strong note (if quickly, without clean resolution of it's lesser B-antagonist), and I'd say it's a recommend. I'll be back for the sequel.

Maybe part of my semi-disappointment is based around the three-year hype machine for this book, started after Tor published "The Litany of Earth," the contained prologue to this world. It's a quirky, at times very relevant, take on Lovecraft and his nameless horrors, but not the be-all, end-all.