A review by divapitbull
The Backup Boyfriend by River Jaymes


The Backup Boyfriend is a sweet, uncomplicated, low-angst relationship driven romance. It was also, for me; not horribly boring – but not exciting either. Dr. Alec Johnson is a nice guy. He works at a clinic that provides medical services to the homeless. He’s a bit of a khaki wearing nerd (which is not my type); and a bit socially awkward (which is endearing). He’s also really fixated on the idea of having a relationship and getting married and he’s still reeling from being dumped by his live-in boyfriend of 2 years – Dr. Tyler Hall – who also happens to be his professional partner. He decides to buy a classic Harley to “reinvent himself” as part of his efforts to move on; and his savant-like ability to regurgitate endless facts about various makes and models of motorcycles; doesn’t actually help him with the practical applications of….riding one.

Enter mechanic Dylan Booth; the friend of a friend and owner of Adams’ Classic Motors. Dylan is straight. Or mostly straight. Or….well frankly, he’s had too many other issues going on to stop and think about orientation. He does have an over-active protective streak; and complete lack of a verbal filter; so when he sees Alec all tongue tied and horrified when confronted by Tyler and his new beau – he jumps right into the fray and The Backup Boyfriend is born. Dylan should have ticked all my boxes: rough around the edges, emotionally stunted from past trauma and no history of relationships, like none at all. Unfortunately, he also ticked my pet peeve box; his favored method of conflict resolution is avoidance.

Alec and Dylan fit together really well. They’re both good, decent people, which is maybe why they’re a little boring. They feel like real people. They have a definite connection, but they aren’t disgustingly sweetsy saccharin. Their HEA is extremely solid. I liked the way everyone acted like sane grownups and were able to genuinely get along. Except for the friend Noah. He’s was a tad stereotypically effeminate – but what he really was, was a huge buttinsky and a bit of a shit stirrer. I wondered why no one told him to “Shut it”. In summary, a sweet romance with not much else going on.