A review by duskangelreads
Lenny Marks Gets Away With Murder by Kerryn Mayne

Did not finish book. Stopped at 65%.
This one was very frustrating and majority of that was the MC. I'm not a huge fan of the unreliable narrator thing. It's never been something I've enjoyed and I didn't realise this one would have that trope when I started it. 
Also the MC suffered from PTSD & anxiety. Which is not a bad thing to read about usually. I can't speak on the representation personally, so I have no idea if it's good or not. However, it made for an extremely painful read. The inner monologue was so frustrating. The most minuscule things were fixated on and it completely distracted from the story. There were also so many times that I was internally thinking 'for fuck sake just...'. For example, this woman treats the MC like crap multiple times and the MC is still doing everything she can to become friends with this woman and I'm just sitting there thinking 'literally why?!' and there was one scene where it was pouring rain, she's only got a bike & she is carrying a big ass bag of dog food. This dude she knows offers her a lift and she says no, while clearly struggling, over and over again for absolutely no reason other than not liking people knowing where she lives... I would understand if it was some random, but she knows this guy. Or even better solution, don't buy the bag of dog food you can barely carry when you only have a bike and it's raining. Get a smaller bag... So it was just straight up frustrating reading paragraphs and paragraphs of this. I just couldn't deal with it and I ended up DNFing at 220 pages.