A review by luana420
Star Wars Vol. 11: The Scourging of Shu-Torun by


The tragedy of Queen Trios concludes, with her truly getting fucked from all sides. It's like Gillen took the term "space opera" seriously and thought "why is Star Wars always a space opera buffa, let's write a space opera seria" with this character.

Do not worry tho, for it is still a rousing SW adventure, with this one essentially being a Mission: Impossible to go sabotage a big reactor to shut down a mining planet's operations.

Tunga the thespian changeling, Benthic the partisan 'ard lad (who was also in Solo in addition to Rogue One, we learn here, holy shit), and the disaster-chasing Cult of Central Isopter are all great new additions to the universe.

This is apparently Gillen's last book on the main series and a heck of a job he did. Big boots to fill, Greg Pak!