A review by book_concierge
The Good Thief's Guide to Paris by Chris Ewan


Book two in the Good Thief’s Guide mystery series, has author and thief Charlie Howard in the City of Lights. He agrees to a reading at a bookstore and following the event joins a few people for drinks. Under the influence he agrees to show one of the patrons how to break into a building. Of course, they are breaking into the man’s own apartment. The next day, Charlie is contacted by his usual fence with a new “commission” to steal a painting … at the same apartment. And then things get complicated.

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, but this one fell flat for me. Oh, I still like Charlie and I like the way he thinks. He’s fiercely independent but possibly not so good at truly hiding his identity as he has always thought. I enjoyed the introduction of Victoria, his agent; she really added a lot to this episode.

But this plot went all over the place. I never did really figure out the role of a few of the players. One thing I expect of mysteries is that the conclusion answers all my questions, and this one did not. Though he did set up the next in the series rather nicely, so I’ll probably read more.