A review by brizreading
A Bride's Story, Vol. 4 by Kaoru Mori


Wonderful, as all the previous volumes have been. Just great. I could go on and on. But let me just highlight:
- The phenomenal art. What intricate, gorgeous patterns! what movement and flow! what human form! what GIANT GLISTENING EYES! Kaoru Mori's hand is superhuman. How can she make such perfection.
- The rich tapestry of culture, history, anthropology. We learn so much. I knew so little about 19th century Turkic culture and, well, I still probably know little. But I love to visit sometimes! This is a really absorbing time-travel. Gorgeous.
- And, finally, I noticed this time how innovative and meditative and clever her pacing is - as in, the pacing in her panels. The way she tells this story. There was some slapstick (e.g. traveling dude gets smacked in face with thrown fish) that I found utterly charming in its presentation.

Yes, the identical twin sisters are LOUD AND SHOUTY and intentionally very obnoxious. But the story is both sympathetic to everyone else's (and the reader's) annoyance (BOY DO THEY SHOUT A LOT), as well as sympathetic to _them_. They are, after all, very young. As with the previous volumes (the 12-year-old groom!), it makes the moments when they say things like "BUT WE'RE ADULTS NOW SO YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO US!!", and the elders in the family go, "that is true", it makes those moments just slam you in the face with such CHALLENGING CULTURE SHOCK. God, I love this series! Wonderful.