A review by hlgarcia3
The Wager by Rachel Van Dyken


Lose a bet, lose your heart...

What is it about a junior-high crush that can send an otherwise intelligent woman into a tailspin? TV reporter Char Lynn wishes she knew. Jake Titus is too rich, too handsome, too arrogant: a trifecta that once lured Char into the best night-and worst morning-after-of her life. Now they've been thrown together in a wedding party. It's awkward, but survivable . . . until Jake stops acting like a jerk, and starts acting like the man she'd always hoped he could be.

If watching your brother marry your best friend is weird, being attracted to your best friend's other best friend is downright bizarre. Unfortunately for Jake, Char hasn't forgotten how he once tossed her aside. Worse still, Jake's already-nutty grandma is even crazier about Char. Cue meet-cute shenanigans and all manner of meddling, and somehow, Jake's falling. For Char. Now all he has to do is make her believe it.

I received an advanced copy of this book for my honest opinion.

I adored Jake Titus in The Bet. He was a bit of a jerk but you could tell he was genuinely a sweet heart. He hid behind a mask in The Bet and kept that mask on in The Wager. Thankfully though you get to learn more and more about him. I enjoyed learning about all the ups and downs he has faced throughout his life and seeing what makes him the way he his. His story was awesome and watching him grow was even more amazing.
Char, I LOVED her! I could understand her because I felt like I WAS her in school. Always mooning after the boy everyone else is, friends with him but not a priority. Then you get screwed over by said guy and that just puts you at your limit and you can’t handle it anymore…..yeah that ALL seems familiar. Char was such a sweet woman, strong, loyal, funny, and beautiful. I was so happy that there was a woman who could handle Jake’s attitude and sarcasm. Watching her face demons from her past and putting Jake in his place was fantastic.
Grandma Nadine……there are no words to describe my love for this woman! She is up to her shenanigans again!! I love, love, LOVE her! She had me laughing, snorting and bawling my eyes out. I just love her and hope she gets her own little novella (hint, hint).
This book took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions for sure. One page I would be laughing and the next I would cry. All of the characters played so well off of each other. Kacey and Travis still hold my heart form the first book and their story is just beautiful. There is just too many things to talk about with this book but I don’t want to ruin anyone’s experience. So I will just say be prepared for some ridiculously funny parts, some parts that might tick you off, some ridiculously sad parts (tissues may be needed), and most of all be prepared for an amazing story. 5/5