A review by laffingkat
Chasing Neve: Snow White Reimagined by K.A. Last


Chasing Neve is the second book in K.A. Last’s Happily Ever After series of reimagined fairy tales. Each book stands alone, so they can be enjoyed in any order. This is a surprisingly sweet, clean story with action and a bit of suspense, but not a lot of surprises. Last puts her own spin on Snow White without straying too far from the familiar elements of the story.

Most of this book is told from Princess Neve’s perspective, but we get her childhood friend and huntsman Chase’s perspective while Neve is under the spell of the poisoned apple. Both characters are affable, loyal, and unsure of themselves. Queen Merla is unrelentingly evil, without any apparent motivation beyond destroying Neve and being pronounced the fairest in the land. The other characters are likeable enough, though we never get to know them very well. I think the mirror gets the best lines in the book.

Give this a try if you enjoy fairy tale retellings or clean romantic fantasies aimed at the young adult market.

I received an ARC from the author via BookFunnel, and I volunteered to provide an honest review.