A review by lavoiture
Why We Can't Sleep: Women's New Midlife Crisis by Ada Calhoun


Reading some other reviews, I get why people might not like this book. Despite what the author says, this book is mostly geared toward white, middle-aged, cis-gendered, married, educated, middle-class women.



I'm Megan. See above for a verbatim description of me. *shrug* I yam what I yam, and that's not all that I yam, but it's obviously a big part of my world view.

So that's where I'm coming at this book from. It was like the author took my life and my conversations with my friends and put it all on pages for others to read. I felt SO seen. I felt like FINALLY somebody else was validating what I'm feeling. Do I have ANY reason to be having a mid-life crisis? Not really. And yet, here we are. Perimenopause, money, relationships, kids, work, friends - it's all there.

Is this book perfect? I mean, no. She doesn't acknowledge the privilege most of the women in the book are coming from. I get that, I really do. But after a hell of a year (2020, amiright?), it was good to read something that made me feel a little bit less lonely in my bubble.