A review by shelfaddiction
Somebody I Used to Know by David Bell


Somebody I Used to Know is a well written, well timed, steady paced mystery. Even though the protagonist isn't a cop, I'd probably throw this into the crime fiction category as well. While this is an adult read with serious content, there isn't any gore, or anything to vulgar, violent, or even scary. While the story is interesting and enjoyable, I found that it didn't really evoke any strong emotion from me. No highs or lows, everything was on an even keel. No jaw dropping shocking moments, no total surprises. That and that alone kept me from giving 5 bookmarks. What can I say? I love my jaw dropping moments.

The protagonist Nick sees a young woman in a store one night that reminds him of his college ex-girlfriend, basically this girl was a dead ringer. That girl later turns up dead and his whole world changes from that point. This novel is told from Nick's point of view and we get to experience his anxiety and borderline obsession with finding out what happened to Marissa. While I find Nick's character believable, I also think he's really sad. To hold onto a girl that dumped you 20 years ago is indeed sad. It's clear he loved her and still loves her, almost to the point that it doesn't make logical sense. The fact that Marissa died young surely was a part of the reason that he held on to the past so tightly. I liked Nick, his character was definitely likeable, relatable and I found myself hoping that he'd get this figured out just so that the man could move on once and for all.

Read the rest of the review on my blog: http://www.shelfaddiction.com/blog/book-review-somebody-i-used-to-know-by-david-bell-giveaway#.VZwQSPlVikr