A review by jencunn2024
The Witches of New York by Ami McKay


I would like to upgrade to 3.5-3.75 range instead of a flat three stars. This novel was a bit slow to get going but led to an intriguing tale of historical misconceptions and three wonderfully independent and strong female characters practicing natural remedies and witchcraft if the light. It includes lore of angels and demons as well as an over crazed religious zealot and sociopathic killer. The only thing that truly bothered me was the inclusion of multiple references to Lewis Carroll’s classics Alice Through The Looking Glass and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, both of which do predate the 1880 timeline of this novel but most likely had not yet reached popularity levels to have been able to influence the protagonist Beatrice (in my opinion). But overall, writing and build of the plot were fantastic and this story wraps up in a very neat way. The audiobook is great as well.