A review by bookish_kristina
The Plan by Karla Sorensen


I love an age gap romance and I love a grumpy hero, so this book did a double duty for me. It was a good story with a strong heroine, though only 22, she knew her mind and had her sh*t together more than the hero. The hero was pretty good, though nothing really special, but the family football game scene was amazing, I loved how she bested him there and how he accepted defeat graciously.
One thing lacking in this book was steam. The author didn’t, and really hasn’t ever that I’ve read, write good sex scenes. It might just be a taste thing but her descriptions are too poetic for me. I get annoyed by the prose when I really just want dirty details. Don’t tell me she ‘melted into him’ tell me she came hard. I’d love for this author to crank up the smut in her love scenes, it’s 2022 not 1940, I expect much more heat in a contemporary romance unless you are specifically trying to keep it clean.
That being said, this was a great story with a satisfying ending that fit the age of the heroine (Ie she didn’t immediately get pregged up and have his babies).