A review by curlybooks_m
Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia


Un libro muy importante.
Siento que muchas más personas deberían leer este libro.
Habla mucho sobre la ansiedad, realmente te hace darte cuenta que nunca sabés lo que pasa por la mente de una persona, lo que está experimentando.
Cuando nos enojamos y le exigimos a un autor que saque más libros, solamente pensando en nosotros, sin ponernos en los zapatos de la otra persona, que puede estar pasando por un momento difícil
Algo que parece tan insignificativo y normal como presionar a alguien para hacer algo que parezca fácil, puede afectar muchísimo a una persona.
Estas son algunas de mis frases favoritas:
“Maybe that’s normal. The things you care most about are the ones that leave the biggest holes.”
“I learned years ago that it’s okay to do this. To seek out small spaces for me, to stop and imagine myself alone. People are too much sometimes. Friends, acquaintances, enemies, strangers. It doesn’t matter; they all crowd. Even if they’re all the way across the room, they crowd. I take a moment of silence and think:
I am here. I am okay.”
“Truth is the worst monster, because it never really goes away.”
“I don't want to be the girl who freezes when confronted with new friends, or the outside world, or the smallest shred of intimacy. I don't want to be alone in a room all the time. I don't want to feel alone in a room all the time, even when there are other people around.”
“The things you care most about are the ones that leave the biggest holes.”