A review by guenhwyvar
Fury's Kiss by Nicola R. White


*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

I found this book to be entertaining and fun. An enjoyable light read with a dash of erotic romance and enough action based urban fantasy to keep me turning pages.

The breakdown:

Plot: The plot was largely predictable, but not beat you over the head obvious. I wasn't a fan of how large bits of information seemed to spill out of various characters whenever it was convenient, but at least those moments were spread out enough that it didn't drag things down. A nice fast pace made up for the clunkier bits of plotting.

Pacing: Quick and entertaining. I didn't find anything that dragged too much. Even the large chunks of exposition were separated enough by action, and woven well enough into conversation that the pacing kept things afloat where they might otherwise have sunk.

Character building: I found that the characters were entertaining and reasonably well developed. We were mostly spared from giant info-dumps on their personal stories and allowed to see them reveal their character through normal interactions. The only thing I found difficult to swallow was the interaction between the MC and her love interest. I didn't feel that their relationship developed in a meaningful and reasonable way. Yes, I get that some of that is due to supernatural influence, but... their love, hate, love reactions to each other struck me as forced and awkward and not how humans (or partial humans) would actually interact. Also, the MC was occasionally a bit denser than she actually seemed to be whenever it suited the plot.

World building: Of course with urban fantasy a lot of the world building is already done, but I was happy with the overall consistency and limitations placed on the fantasy elements. There are a couple of things that might be troublesome if they're not wrapped up by the second book, but for the most part the supernatural power/annoying deficit balance was upheld well enough to keep me from smacking my forehead too often.

Writing: The style is fast paced, action oriented. No flowery prose here. The descriptions are just enough to get you through the scene knowing what's what. I think that suits the book well and fits with the first person narrative of a modern twenty something.

Editing: There were more typos and errors than I would have liked, but not so many that I was constantly thrown from the text. I was thrown by the idea that two characters who appear to be siblings at one point in the book are later explained to be in-laws only. It's possible I misinterpreted their introductory relationship, but I think it was an editing error. As I read the ebook it's more difficult to go back and check. For the most part though the text was reasonably well edited.

Overall, as I mentioned, an enjoyable light read. I enjoyed the characters and premise enough that I will be checking out the second book in the series.

I received a free copy of this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.