A review by brittanica_bold
Eruption by Ivy Smoak


*Mentally tallying how many more hours of this drama I can read before my mood is fully compromised....*

*Yeah, that's what I thought*

What I liked about this book:
1. Tyler is still fantastic. Just when I think this guy can't get any more sweet, he shows up proving me wrong again. Like, seriously, that wedding dress situation? How can she clearly not see Tyler is the man for her?!?!?!?

2. Talking about a man who shows up when it counts, Rob totally won me over in this book. He is totally laidback, loyal, and hilarious (once you get to know him). I would read a spinoff of his just so I could swoon over him being all sweet and treating a woman right.

3. As much as I didn't really like this book (see below for specifics), I will still continue to torture myself until the series is over. Is that a plus?

What I didn't like about this book:
1. I'm very confused how I could really like the first two books in this series and then really not enjoy this third book. This book, the third in The Hunted series, takes place 2.5 years after the end of book 2, [b:Addiction|55509886|Addiction (The Hunted, #2)|Ivy Smoak|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1601399517l/55509886._SX50_.jpg|47772001]. With such a time jump and a firm commitment in place, I was hoping we would get to see the mature side of this couple's relationship. How silly of me to think that was in the cards for this series that is hellbent on being a train wreck. Shouldn't this couple be a little more in sync by now? It's been like THREE YEARS PEOPLE!!!!

2. Unlike the first two books in this series, this book was PAINFUL to finish. It kept dragging, which was one of the things I very much liked about the first two books NOT doing. I literally wanted to DNF this book at least 10 times from all the unnecessary situations. It was twice as long as it needed to be.

3. Ok, characters....

Melissa - I thought we talked about this in my review of book 1? What is wrong with you and why are you a terrible friend? You are even more immature than Penny, and that's saying something.

Austin - Well, it couldn't be a book in The Hunted series without your continuous flare up, right?

Isabella - What is the matter with you? Are you just scorn? Are you being paid to be awful? I hear your villainy gets worse in the fourth book, so....here we go?

Penny - I keep trying to make excuses for you because you are young and naïve, but I just can't help you at this point. YOU NEED TO LEARN TO COMMUNICATE!!!!!! If you had just talked to him about all the items you were getting in the mail, the book could have been half the length.

James - YOU are old enough that you should know how to communicate already. You need to get over yourself and your insecurities and stop trying to control everything and everyone. Like really, blacklisting her into working for you, keeping things from her, allowing your shady ex to ruin your relationship. These are all things that could have been handled with conversations instead of your dumb actions.


2.5 Stars. Let's hope the next one is better?

Here are my previous reviews for the first two books in The Hunted Series
Book 1 - Temptation
Book 2 - Addiction