A review by book_concierge
Neither Here Nor There: Travels in Europe by Bill Bryson


Audiobook read by William Roberts

Subtitle: Travels in Europe

First published in 1991, this is not aged well. Bryson had fond memories of his youthful adventures when he backpacked around Europe, one summer solo and the next with his friend, Katz. He attempted to re-create those magical summers, though this time having traveler’s checques, a travel agent, and full-service (mostly) hotels.

I’ve read several of Bryson’s books and found some of them hugely entertaining. But not this one. He seems far too snide and complaining, the “Ugly American” come to life.

Now, there are a few interesting and engaging scenarios when he’s not being a pain-in-the-a** complainer, and for that I give him two stars.

The audiobook is read by William Roberts, who, if possible, makes Bryson sound like even more of whiner than he is in print. There is also an Abridge audiobook, read by Bryson himself. I wonder if I would have enjoyed that more …. I guess that would depend on whether he cut the complaining part in favor of the nicer interludes, or vice versa. But I’m not going to bother to find out myself.