A review by connie_flower
Brave the Tempest by Karen Chance


And we still don't have the war! You can feel it building in every book but when it will actually kick off I have no idea. In this installment, Cassie foils a plot by the rogue acolyte Jo and Black Circle mage Jonathan. Although you don't realise that's what's happening until the final few chapters, leaving most of the book feeling like Cassie is wasting valuable war-prep time pissing about with other things.

I love how much plot Chance manages to pack into her books, however it usually means that by the time the next one comes out I have a hard time remembering even half of what went on. I even forgot who Jonathan was. Jonathan! So I'm going to leave myself a spoilery review to refresh my memory..

Basically, Jonathan found a book of the names of Ancient Horrors (demon-god hybrids) in Faerie and wanted to summon them into giant fey-made golems in Faerie to sabotage the planned vampire-demon invasion. Only, the book was possessed by an Ancient Horror so he couldn't actually read it himself without, you know, dying. So he manages to pass it on to Cassie who unwittingly frees the demon, allowing him to make evil scary golem guards. Meanwhile, psycho Jo keeps trying to kill Cassie. Cassie 'kills' Lizzie (another evil acolyte), but it turns out she'd used a spell known as Chimera which split her into two forms. So she only kills one of the forms, returning her into one form. Which happens to be sharing body space with the ghost of Jo. Confusing? Yep. But now the good guys know the bad guy's plan (but the bad guy's don't know they know) and can avoid the evil golems and still invade.

Oh, and Cassie is definitely split from Mircea, taking some of his vamps in the divorce to guard her court. So she can be extra coupley with Pritkin. Everyone is showing signs of PTSD from some traumatic event or another and the pressure of the impending doom is getting to everyone.

Did I miss anything? Oh yeah. She stupidly agrees to try and help Mircea with his long dead wife. What the fuck.