A review by booksteacupnreviews
No Ordinary Star by M.C. Frank


(Note: I received review copy of this book from the author, in exchange for an honest review. I am glad I got a chance to read this book. I’m grateful to be part of NOS street team.)

I loved that cover of the book and futuristic world drew me to this book.

How will it feel when there’s no emotions left in human? Men and women are separated? Humans can live for 300 years with no disease, no illness, no need to sleep? No festival, Christmas is forgotten and there are no books. Yeah you heard right. No books!!! Pretty messed up world it sounds right? That’s the dystopian world of ‘No Ordinary Star’.

Characters– Felix and Astra. I loved both of them. They were both nice, innocent and smart. Reading them in the book was like watching two kids under one roof. They were fun to read and all the charm of the book. Oh, and Ursa- Polar bear of the book. I loved this bear, so intelligent animal.

What I liked? I loved that concept. Isn’t it different and unique? This world author created was jaw-dropping. Every time I learned the details of this dystopian world my jaw dropped, literally! World building was the beauty and core part of this book. It’s all about the details of new world- how people are living, all sort of rules and restrictions, and past life of Felix and Astra, and how they end up at ice shack. I loved how all these were represented in the book, everything was equally balanced. Still it left me for more details. That’s what this book done to me.

Another thing I liked about the book was, the name calling Felix and Astra used, “tin soldier” and “match girl”, which are the titles of the book too. Initially I was clueless why this names and why every chapter are repeating with these title, until I reached to explanation. Alternate point of view of Felix and Astra was nicely written and they both sounded reasonable. Usually this leaves me disagreeing with one of the character, but here, I found myself agreeing with both of them. What they felt for other was the same way I felt. The title of the book was so appropriate and I loved lines about stars in the book- “…a star that doesn’t look ordinary- that’s a real star…” This is no ordinary dystopian book like a no ordinary star. I liked the color effects character was experiencing in the book, it was beautifully written. Just like all the covers of this series. Author has real something for colors I guess. 🙂

End- I haven’t expected it end here. As it is said in the blurb the story is divided in 3 installment, the end felt like first broken point of the story. The cliffhanger left me hanging, made me wish for the foothold- next book. 😉

Overall, ‘No Ordinary Star’ is fast paced, quick read dystopian novel that will leave you hungry for more. When read blurb I was curious to read this book. Now that I’ve finished the book it made me curious for the next book ‘No Plain Rebel’. This is going to be perfect series for winters.

YA, Science Fiction, dystopian world lovers.

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