A review by erebus53
The Elders (Foxcraft, Book 2) by Inbali Iserles


The second book in the Foxcraft series finds our clever friend hooking up with a new travelling companion who has also lost family. As they voyage together to find the Elders, the keepers of the lore and masters of Foxcraft, the vicious forces of the Mage's Taken are continually nipping at their heels.

Recovering from a sense of betrayal, Isla chooses not to listen to the lessons of her Greatma or her own experience, instead wanting to get close to her new companion, Haiki. Sooner or later we may learn that foxes DO sometimes have friends after all (or maybe those are the ones that Become our Family). Is trusting no-one the safe plan, or does it just mean that you have no support network?

This book introduces the main character to various ways that groups survive. There is a discussion in this novel about the treatment of a disabled runt fox, and how his family supports him unreservedly.

Finding out about special fox powers, and engaging in de-escalation rather than open aggression are recurrent throughout all three books of the series. I'm glad that there is less fighting and more evading capture, as fight and battle scenes bore me to tears.

I was prepared to a twist at the end of this book and was not disappointed.