A review by sde
Daphne by Will Boast


Received an Advanced Readers Copy at an event for librarians.

First, I am embarrassed to admit, I don't know the story of Daphne and Apollo, so will not comment on the parallels. I will be checking the story out later, though1

Very engaging and inventive writing. Sometimes I didn't like the main characters - Daphne, Brook & Ollie - and sometimes I did. Which I think means that there was good character development and they were 3-dimensional, not flat.

I didn't care for the deification of California in the book, and I'm still not clear how Daphne was able to afford her condo in San Francisco, even in a neighborhood on the edge. Her job didn't seem like it would have a huge salary, and, if it did, I'm not clear on how she got the job.

But these are mere quibbles. The books feel of mostly real with a little sliver of the fantastic was compelling. And the thought of what it would be like to have your feelings slay you was also food for thought. The cameo appearances by Dr. Bell were amusing - I definitely know some scientists like him. And his rather unfeeling description of depression actually made some sense to me, and I might even keep it in mind when dealing with troubles, although I am fairly sure that is not what the author meant for the reader to do.

As a woman only slightly younger than Daphne's mother, I did like the story line about the mother getting her groove back after a couple of decades. There is hope yet

Will definitely look for more by this author. Think this is a good book for book groups. Not everyone will like it, but there is stuff to talk about, for sure.