A review by tatterededges
The Arsonist: A Mind on Fire by Chloe Hooper


This was brilliantly written, insightful and engaging.

The author describes the horror of the black Saturday fires with a vivid clarity that was both disturbing and heartbreaking and left me in tears.

The author was able to put forward a thorough and reasoned picture of not just the events of the Churchill fires of Black Saturday but also those leading up to that day. A nuanced history of the area, the community and the background which added context.

And despite the utter hatred that most people she would have spoken to felt for him, she managed to present a balanced and insightful case study of the man behind it.

The court case did not dominate the book, instead highlights and key points were discussed. The focus remaining on the subject without getting side tracked by inadequacies and injustice within the legal system.

I read this book over a couple of days and couldn’t put it down.