A review by bhnmt61
I'll Be Your Blue Sky by Marisa de los Santos


I confess I skipped the middle third of this book. I'm reading it for an online book club, and while I find de los Santos' writing to be absorbing and lyrical, like the previous book of hers I read (Love Walked In), I am too snarky for these all these lovely people. In both books, the tension comes because of the difficult situations her characters are thrust into, not because they have any real flaws. In the last one, Cornelia finds herself caring for a young girl due to a situation that is practically a fluke. In this one, that young girl Clare is all grown up and about to marry the wrong guy, not because she was stupid or selfish, but because she loves him too much to hurt him. Even their flaws are because they are too sweet or too kind.

It's all just a bit too saccharine for me. Good lord, I was longing for some snark or some sarcasm in this book. As in the last one, Clare's snarky best friend was the most interesting part (for me, anyway), and she only has a few brief appearances. So I flipped over and read the last 35 pages and yup, people just keep on being more loving and more understanding and more wise. I see no reason to go back and read the part I skipped. I've tried two de los Santos novels now, and while I can understand their appeal-- she really is a good writer, and if I was in the mood for a feast of sweetness, maybe it would have gone better-- but I doubt I'll be reading another one.