A review by taylorjay31
The Final Party by A.A. Chaudhuri


Rating: 4/5⭐️


The Final Party is a story about friendships, secrets, lies, and deceptions. Six friends travel to Italy to celebrate their long time friend’s 40th birthday. What was supposed to be a relaxing vacation and a chance to reconnect with friends, ends up taking a turn for the worst as secrets start to surface. By the end of the week, one of them ends up dead.

Right from the start we are introduced to all six characters with their own individual chapters detailing their thoughts regarding the trip, and more importantly, each other. There seems to be a lot of animosity between everyone that I’m honestly shocked these people are still friends! It definitely took a few chapters to really understand who is who, and how everyone relates to each other, but once it clicked it was smooth sailing the rest of the story!

I found the way the story is told, by switching between present day and the events that happened years ago when everyone was attending university, really helped pull me in and kept me wanting more and more! The present day chapters tended to end in cliffhangers and with many words left unsaid, which only made me want to read the flash back chapters even quicker! There were so many twists and surprises that I hadn’t even considered might be possible. I really love when a book truly keeps me guessing until the very end, and The Final Party definitely did that! I ended up reading The Final Party in a single sitting!

Thank you to A.A. Chaudhuri, Hera Books, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of this book! I had a great time reading this, and I look forward to checking out A.A. Chaudhuri’s other books! All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.