A review by emmasbookdiary
The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple by Joanna Davidson Politano


I had a feeling I was going to love this book and I am so happy to say that was the case! I’m not surprised because Joanna Davidson Politano is one of my absolute favorite authors and I always love her books. This one was no exception. It was beautifully whimsical and original, filled with themes of restoration and hope. I was swept away to 1903 England to a world of fairytales, secrets, and romance by Joanna’s poetic writing. I loved every minute reading it!

I absolutely loved how Lily’s story slowly unfolds. At first her story is a complete mystery that is only hinted at, but chapter by chapter, it’s slowly revealed in all its complexity. And so is her character. At first, Lily is as elusive to you as the reader as she is to investigator Peter Driscoll. She is full of secrets and mystery but as the story progresses, she reveals her story a little at the time. The way the story is told made the book that much more suspenseful and compelling. I loved that Lily’s POV is written in first person! It made me feel really connected to her character.

Peter Driscoll was such a lovable hero with his steadiness, integrity, and intelligence. I loved his desire to help restore broken stories and bring truth to light. He’s the calm-to-the-storm kind of hero and I truly love those type of heroes! He was the perfect match for Lily!

The romance was beautiful! It made me feel the way the romance in a good classic movie does and I loved it. I loved their banter, their adventures, their friendship-to-more. They were such a fun couple to read about!

This book had the kind of dreamy setting that made me want to spend a day in a beautiful garden or cozy cottage with a cup of tea. It was wonderful! 
It was also so neat to learn a little about silent films, something I’ve never read about. 

The highlight of this novel for me was without a doubt the faith content. It was woven into this story so beautifully! The message touched my soul. It left me feeling so hopeful and inspired as I was reminded of a beautiful truth. For me, that is the best feeling I can have after finishing a book. 

In conclusion, I absolutely loved this book! It did more than entertain me— it made me think about why I love stories so much and left me inspired. 
If you love books that include elements of fairytales, faith, and secret identities, I think you’ll love this book!

*Thank you to the publisher for sending me a complimentary copy! All opinions are my own.