A review by beelovesreading
Lionheart Girl by Yaba Badoe


Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me an ARC for Lionheart Girl.


Born into a family of West African witches, Sheba's terrified of her mother who can turn into a crow. But like mother, like daughter – magic runs through her blood and Sheba discovers powers of her own.

Her touch can unravel people's innermost thoughts; their hopes, their fears – their secrets. Sheba too can shape-shift. Through the communion of ancient magic, blood and friendship, she slowly uncovers the murderous truth about her stolen childhood and steels herself for the future. She must protect the hunted from the hunter – her mother.

My thoughts:

Lionheart Girl was an interesting read, although slightly boring. I liked the book, I liked the plot but it fell a little short for me. I wasn't left with a lasting impression, but that's simply my opinion and I'm sure other people will love it. I went in expecting her mother to be this big bad woman and what I found mostly was a woman who stomped around a lot, smoked, and complained about her family. She acted more like a child than an antagonist and I found myself annoyed by her, rather than concerned for Sheba and her family.