A review by susannah_h
Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce


This duology is so freaking amazing. I absolutely adore Aly and all of the other characters. I love how many layers each one of them has, without any of them being portrayed as more interesting or important than any of the others. My favorite secondary character of this series has to be Winnamine because she just absolutely kicks butt in both books. Another aspect of these books that I appreciate is that we also get a great female "villain" in Imajane. The books moves at a very steady pace, which had me dragging my feet a little bit in the middle but like that's been me in every book I've read lately so. A lot of this book covers Aly's spy work and government manipulation stuff, which to me is just so much more fun to read about that the actual fighting part of the central conflict of this book.

*also this is necessary specific to this duology but comes up across all of her books that I've read, but the way that Tamora writes men, specifically teen boys, is just chef's kiss. Something about is just so spot on. My favorite segment from this book being: "Aly drew breath to argue, then shook her head and walked away. It was her experience that even the best of men had to indulge themselves with fits of moroseness. She would think of something to cheer him up once he'd had a chance to get bored with gloom". Like right on the money with men getting in silly little moods just because they are bored with life, and then they get bored with the gloomy mood itself, and then just roll out of it. Now of course Aly here is a good person and wants to support this guy so she is nice but like the slight cut at men written in there is just so perfect and subtle that you might miss it, and this is just one of the reasons I love her books and grew up to just roll my eyes at men*