A review by suryapandian
Change Me Prayers: The Hidden Power of Spiritual Surrender by Tosha Silver

As a teen, I was not the nicest of people that one would meet. I was stubborn, selfish, and sad. I paid my price, learned my lessons after that. And then I played the victim for a while and again learned the lesson that life doesn't change until you take responsibility. It made a lot of sense. So much sense that, life did change. For what felt like the first time in my life, I was happy and still am thankfully so. I know how to keep myself happy. There are days when I lose track but I know the way to get back to my happy place. I am glad, thankful, and maybe even slightly proud of my journey.

But but but the problem with taking responsibility is that not everything is in our control. You could put in your best effort for the exam and still not make it. You could drive so carefully and yet get into an accident.
Some of the nicest people that we know have gone through things that are heartbreaking to even imagine let alone wish upon anyone.
Not everything is under our control.

After a few years of my newfound happiness, I now realize acceptance, trust, and surrendering to what is not in our hands is necessary for happy and peaceful survival. And I realize I am not good at it, not even good at it at a beginner level. This is where books like "Change me prayers" help.

This book reminded me a lot of the Gita poem on "எதை நீ கொண்டு வந்தாய், அதை நீ இழப்பதற்கு?" Trying to practice suggestions from this book is helping me feel breezier :) The older I get the more I look forward to this never-ending journey!