A review by andintothetrees
A Life's Work: On Becoming A Mother by Rachel Cusk


I loved this book! I’ll be honest – I didn’t expect to, and only searched for it in the library after hearing it had sparked some controversial reviews, thinking it would inspire much ranting. But I found myself enjoying it so much I finished it in less than a day. Something in this memoir of Rachel Cusk’s first year of motherhood resonated deeply within me, despite the fact I didn’t agree with a lot of her opinions – which is testament to how beautifully written it is, and how fundamentally life-changing becoming a parent is, whether you view it largely positively (as I do) or largely negative (as Rachel Cusk seemed to). In the introduction the author says that she doesn’t expect the book to appeal to non-parents, but I don’t think that’s strictly true – it is an examination of an experience that is intrinsic to human life, whether or not a person chooses (presuming they have the opportunity to make the choice) to go through it.

... [Read the rest of my review here: https://whathannahread.wordpress.com/2012/05/24/a-lifes-work-by-rachel-cusk/]