A review by aligroen
Camouflage by Jon Keys


A Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words Review An Alisa Review:

Rating: 3.5 stars out of 5

This story seems that it would be complete opposites attract, but not quite. Nash may seem like the epitome of city boy with the tattoos and piercings, but he grew up in a small town near an army base until he was forced to leave for being gay. He loves the quietness of Luke’s ranch and the company of the unassuming rancher, but knows his time is limited before he has to go back to his life.

Nash and Luke have been video chatting for months and when Nash gets assaulted by his latest John he takes Luke’s offer of a place to stay as the perfect opportunity to get away and heal for awhile. Luke will do anything for a friend, but can be the shyest person around and for all that Luke has been out forever he has never been on a date or anything for his small minded town to see. Both of these characters need to heal, but need each other to grow.

We get to see both of these character’s points of view, which helps to know what the characters are thinking. Luke is very open and tells Nash everything about his past and is amazed as Nash’s acceptance. Nash is open about his youth, but keeps a tight lid on his life in Atlanta; he waits until just before he is to leave before he opens up to Luke about his life because he doesn’t want to see the man he loves look down on him. I love that it takes the wisdom of and old woman for Nash to decide to not just give up but to fight for them.

Cover art by LC Chase gives great visuals of the characters for the story.