A review by the_graylien
Superman/Batman, Vol. 1: Public Enemies by Dexter Vines, Tim Sale, Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness


This is yet another one I've read for my own little personal celebration of the 75th anniversary of Superman and also another that folks had voted as one of the best Superman stories of all time.

While I don't know if I, myself, would include it on that list, this is a pretty solid tale and a fun story to read. It's got plenty of guest appearances, plenty of action, and it really illustrates the friendship between Batman and Superman very well, touching on secrets they know about each other, how they view one another, and why they respect each other, despite being seeming polar opposites on some things.

These issues were the first story arc of a now discontinued comics series that started in 2003 and I think this was a great first outing for that series.

Despite being a bit cartoony and the fact that it's not going to be for everyone, I really enjoy Ed McGuinness' art. My opinion is no different here, as he, Dexter Vines, and all involved knocked this one out of the park art-wise.

This would be a great read for fans of either Superman or Batman or any interested in the interaction and great friendship these two seem to forge in ANY iteration of the DC Comics Universe.