A review by mackenzierm
The Binding Room by Nadine Matheson


Detective Anjelica Henley is called to investigate the murder of a popular preacher in his own church, whereupon she discovers a second victim who has been tortured and tied to a bed in an upstairs room of the church. This victim is alive but barely and his body shows signs of a dark religious ritual. Detective Henley has more questions than answers as the list of suspects grows. The case takes an upstroke of urgency when another body appears leaving Henley squarely in the crosshairs of this killer.

THE BINDING ROOM is the second instalment in the Inspector Anjelica Henley series, picking up a few weeks after book one (The Jigsaw Man) ends. I really loved that the author took the time to further develop the main characters making them feel relatable and realistic.

My biggest issue preventing a five star rating was that I found the story to be a bit drawn out while the investigations of the two cases were occurring. The investigative process is quite detailed, highlighting how each aspect of the case is developed, but this (for me) resulted in a diminished sense of tension and thrill as the chase for the serial killer evolved. That said, the two cases Detective Henley is investigating are complex, dark, and well-developed, leaving me guessing as to who was responsible. The ending was well done and certainly gave me ideas as to what may come in book 3 which is set to publish in August 2024.